Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #4- Blogging Begins with Reading

In the few blogs that I visited this evening, I quickly came to realize how important blogs are to our society today. Before the news was mainstream only, but today, we benefit from more than just the facts that the media chooses to share with us. We get the good stuff! So what is considered to be "the good stuff?" The good stuff is the personal connection one makes with a given environment, situation, circumstance, stimuli, story, comment, webpage, relationship, song, or anything else imaginable. The good stuff can be found by anyone and everyone SOMEWHERE on the internet and definitely in blogs.

Admittedly, I have previously not been a blog reader, but even just scratching the surface of this Web 2.0 class I have begun to realize that the good stuff lies a click away in a blog written about the experiences someone had that day, a thought that crossed their mind, a story that they told, a song that played as I open their blog, a picture that is worth more than a thousand words, an article posted on the sidebar, or the simple, comforting affirmation of a comment on your blog stating "I completely agree," which makes you believe that your thoughts were significant to someone, even if it was just one person. That's the good stuff. As we comment and question and dig and read, we have the ability immerse ourselves in a world where we can connect.

Blogs have revolutionized the "news" because it is now no longer regulated by the few who thought they held the information we needed to know. Everyone has a story or thought or picture or song or prayer or comment that IS significant to someone. There are millions of blogs out there. The good stuff is at the click of a mouse.


  1. It's nice to be able to see multiple perspectives instead of the only one someone else wants you to see!

  2. Good job adding the links to your post. I think that is one of the best parts of a blog post - being able to click through and read for myself the information that the blogger is talking about.

  3. Hey fellow Aggie ! I'm glad to see that there are some who are still in the same general vicinity as I am as far as progressing through this "class". I am enjoying it so far and have had my eyes opened to the possibilities of blogs in the classroom.
