Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thing #2- Web 2.0

I thought the video’s in Thing #2 were really good. The videos were very factual but in a way extremely artistic. Some of the statistics blew my mind! (Such as that the largest English speaking country in the world in 2016 will be China, and 100% of College Graduates in India speak English). I did learn some good information in these videos, but most of all, they allowed me to see teaching from a new perspective.

I haven't really thought about teaching in the 21st century being very much different than before. I have used technology in my classroom, but I now have a better understanding of how MUCH I need to be using technology and teaching students how to become lifelong learners.

The article, “A Day in the Life of Web 2.0” showed me that teachers can effectively use technology in the classroom in order to further engage students, stimulate higher level thinking, and preparing them for the lifelong use of technology in the 21st century.

I am excited to use technology that I learn in 23 Things in my classroom. The important part for me will be making sure that I take responsibility for my own learning (Habit #2). I can use contacts I make through this class to help if I get stuck trying to use technology that is also new to me. This class will not only give me the tools I need to apply in the classroom, I will also leave with a list of people I can contact as resources for tech support.

1 comment:

  1. What's really mind-blowing is to think that the stats in the Did You Know video are already two years old. The numbers have increased since it was made in 2007!
