Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Thing #7 - Creating Community Through Commenting

I have enjoyed Thing #7. I think commenting a an extremely important part of the blogging community. It really does begin to connect people. It reminded me of a recent string of comments that I read and actually got really fired up over. Many of you may have already read this article and all the comments and felt the same way I did.

Read the article Mesquite middle school students clash in mock Civil War battle, then read all the comments at the bottom starting with the OLDEST first.

I found the commenting more interesting that the actual article. One day toward the end of school, I spent my 45 minute conference period reading the article and all the comments. You will quickly notice that it's the comments that stir your emotions and connection to students, other teachers, and MISD than the story did.

I just thought this was a perfect example of how commenting builds community.


  1. You're right - the comments are the most interesting part of the article! sperry really got people stirred up over the value of this activity.

  2. I went back to this article after reading your blog. The comments were very emotional and I liked Ms. Baker's comments to her students about everyone having a right to their opinion but not letting it take away from their memories of the day. I guess sperry needs to read our article on How to Comment Like a King.
